Sunday 4 October 2015

Aloha to the World

Um, hey. I was going to put "Hello, world" for this blog title thing, but it sounded way too unoriginal so I changed it up a bit. And I've ended up pinching Emblem3 lyrics and sounding even more unoriginal. Oh dear. (They're a good band by the way - although I prefer their old songs! Listen to Sunset Blvd and Tequila Sunrise)

Okay. I'm Tarynn. This thing says I've spelt my name wrong, but I've been spelling it this way for 13 years, I swear. So, as the last sentence suggests, I'm 13 and I'm from England. I think that's the boring stuff out of the way. If you want a picture of me, here you go: 

I took this today (lmao at my selfie skills)Ignore my face, and we'll all get along just fine :)

Right, now I want to get you all to read my blog, so I need... something interesting! I guess I'll start with something I've been thinking about, because I have been thinking about it for a VERY long time and I want to see what others think.

If I could pick one thing I want to be in life, it would be extraordinary, although I'm not 100% sure why. I just know I never want to be an ordinary girl living an ordinary life, saying and doing ordinary stuff.
Sorry if that sounds a bit confusing, I'll try to explain.

Sometimes I'll look at people and things around me, and all I can think is, it must be so boring to be ordinary. It's repetitive and simple. But it's also easy. Easy to do exactly what everyone else does, easy like picking the third lane in the motorway. It's safe. Safe, but very slow.
Let's divide this into high school stereotypes. I'm guessing that it will be people of that kind of age (between 11 and 16 ish?) that will be interested in reading this, if anyone does actually read this. We'll start off with the 3rd lane.

In the third lane of a motorway, traffic is slow, because that's where most cars are (don't correct me and say it's only slower because of driving rules - just agree with me :-)) All the people in this lane in life are the popular people, the cheerleaders and the jocks. The ones that already have the seemingly "perfect" lives and would never even consider being extraordinary.

Then you have the people in the second lane. The nerds and the gamers, and people who are in those sort of social areas. They are ordinary for the most part, agreed? But when the gamers switch on their games consoles, and the nerds read their books, they become other people. Heroes, either virtual, or fictional.

Now, pretty much everyone fits into the first two lanes in one way or another, even if they aren't one of the stereotypes already mentioned.

Then you have the fast lane, the 1st one. That's the people that seemingly don't fit in usually, because they don't always want to. They see the world in a different light, looking at things in full colour when everyone else sees black and white. They choose to live the extraordinary life pretty much 24/7, and if they don't it will be pretty darn close to that, although other people may not realise due to the way extraordinary people act. They live in their heads a lot, which can make them seem introverted to everyone else. They won't always want to conform to society, but not for any particular reason. They just like living life their way.  There isn't really a high school stereotype for this, because anyone can choose to live the extraordinary life.

Everyone is ordinary, until they choose not to be. So many people spend their whole lives in the 3rd and 2nd lanes, because  they're scared of living outside the box. Extraordinary isn't a scary monster. It's more a way of thinking, really.  But you have to find it in yourself, or it won't happen. It's about questioning the normal, even if you agree with it. Just looking at things from a new perspective. (Whoops, now I'm putting P!atd lyrics in this!)
I'd like to think that here, we can all talk about what it means to be extraordinary, and we can all help each other find our extraordinary.
I think this blog is mainly going to be  about the little things in life, and what it means to be alive right here, right now. Just maybe looking at the problems of life through more than one set of eyes. We can all talk here, and it's going to be safe. Hey, maybe we can have some fun along the way!

One last thing! I was on the internet and I found this picture and I think it relates to this so I'm putting it here:
So, yeah. I think we could all do with remembering this.

WAIT, one more thing!

This is the last thing, I promise!

I'm calling this blog Teenage Perceptions. The reason is that, at this time in our lives, we begin to think more about the world around us and the way we see it. And that's what this blog is for. Our perceptions are the way we see things, and this is the perceptions of a teenager.Correction - teenagers if you guys join me.